Thank you for joining us for this years Derby Open!
The 2024 Derby Open was a resounding success with many who attended saying it was the best. It was certainly a record breaker in terms of the number of shooters and events entered, and on Saturday and Sunday almost every detail was full.
Being in the centre of the country means we draw competitors from all regions, but some travelled considerable distances, Scotland, North and South Wales, Cornwall and Essex, every corner of the country.
Plus we welcomed three from the Irish Republic, Declan, Rachael and Clive.
Many of the GB, England, Scotland and Wales teams were there ensuring the standard of shooting was high.
The event hosted the Home Countries International Match for the Brownells Trophy with the winning teams receiving unique Brownells medals.
Again, we received sponsorship from the gun trade that enabled us to put on a spectacular prize table. Please thank them if you can.
DRPC1999 is proud of its members who worked very hard to put on this event and the efficient way it was run. The Results can be seen by clicking the button below:

Image Gallery
As always there are plenty of photos of the Derby Open Competition.
Have a browse through and we'll see you next year!