Why join a club?
If you wish to own a firearm for the purpose of target shooting then you must be a member of a Home Office Approved Club.
DRPC 1999 is a facility that offers a safe friendly environment for those who wish to take part in target shooting, many people think of target shooting as a strict discipline that requires huge amounts of concentration and practice, well yes some aspects do but on the whole it is a relaxed friendly affair and the many different types and styles of shooting offer something for everyone.
Do I need my own firearm to join?
In short the answer is no, DRPC 1999 has a selection of club firearms for hire to probationary members these are available at any club session, you will be shown how to operate them safely and you will be under the supervision of a range officer at all times. FAC holders may use their own firearms provided they fall within the criteria of the range certificate
What is probationary membership?
Probationary membership is a period of learning for both the shooter and the club, it allows us to supervise and observe you under controlled conditions, all novice shooters will be coached in the safe use of firearms and range conduct, During this period you will be restricted to club sessions and only be able to shoot from the indoor firing points on the A range, the only exception to this is a club competition where you will be under the supervision of an appointed range officer.
The probationary membership periods are 3 months with a minimum of 8 visits for current FAC holders and 6 months with a minimum of 15 visits for non FAC holders
What are the age limits?
A minimum age limit of 14 applies at DRPC 1999, to attend the club at this age you must be accompanied by a parent or appointed adult at all times until you are 18, although you can become a full member at this age you are not able to shoot unsupervised on any range until you reach the age of 18. There is no upper age limit to membership.
As a club who actively encourage Junior membership we have in place a child protection policy and have a designated Safeguarding Officer. Copies of our safeguarding policy are available on request.
What happens at the end of the probationary period?
As your probationary period nears its end you will take a safety course this will comprise of a range conducting officers course and a shooting test, when these are complete you can then apply for full membership.
What’s expected of club members?
The only condition we attach to membership is that you must run 2 club sessions per year as a range officer (18 years old and above), this allows others to shoot under supervision as you did in your probationary period.
The club usually has 2 work parties per year to help keep the range in good order as a member you are asked to attend these to help out but it is not mandatory.
The main criteria for members is that they conduct themselves properly and safely at all times.
What are the benefits of membership?
Obviously the main benefit is that you will have somewhere safe and properly equipped to shoot but also upon gaining full membership you will have the chance to purchase a set of keys to the range this will allow you to shoot 365 days a year.
DRPC 1999 will help any new members with FAC applications and equipment requirements.
The club has a very strong competition ethos with many highly experienced and successful shooters and they will gladly coach any new member who wants to take part in Gallery Rifle, F Class or Sporting Rifle events.
Another benefit is that the club is affiliated to the main target shooting bodies in the UK this allows you to book their facilities and take part in sanctioned competitions.
How much does it cost?
There is a one time joining fee of £100.00 and the annual subscription rate for 2024 is £210.00, It is less however for junior members, there are no other range fees or charges.
Your Subscription is used to maintain the range and provide the complex financial backing to ensure you continue to have a first class location to do what you enjoy.
I am interested, what do I do next?
Due to increased interest we are currently not taking any new applications for the time being.
Please don't let this put you off applying in the future. Keep an eye on this page, we hope to take on more new applicants soon.
Many thanks, Jim S (Membership Officer)